Joy to the World – Video Journey – LIFE

Save Lives!

The taking of lives of the pre-born is the most defiant act towards the Creator God. It takes place daily. It takes place globally. Over 40% of all yearly deaths in the world are caused by abortion. Last year 42 million lives were taken globally. 42 million women were exploited/deceived. 42 million men abdicated their responsibility. Jesus weeps at the deaths. Jesus loves both those making these choices and the little ones he creates in his image.

In Genesis 1, God told the man and woman to be fruitful. Abortion does the exact opposite. The atrocities leads to a stranglehold that prevents human flourishing. The Bible is made to be applied and practical. By worshipping Jesus who is the LIFE, we actively promote the character of God by defending life from the womb! Jesus is:

  • The Creator
  • The Living Water
  • The Bread of Life
  • The Author of Life
  • The Sustainer
  • The Origin of Life
  • Defeater of Death
  • Giver of Abundant Life
  • The Resurrection

Years ago, we realized that 40% of the world’s abortions take place in Asia. We pondered, “Jesus is life. What if we developed an initiative that enabled us to meet this human pain with an answer that highlighted Jesus as the giver of value to all of life.”

We developed Voice for the Voiceless which is now in its 11th language. Thousands of people have heard of Jesus through the curriculum. Babies have been saved. Babies have been adopted. Marriages have been strengthened. Christians have repented and gained a biblical, Christ-like perspective on abortion.

At 10/40 we offer the following initiatives that help both women and the pre-born (and men too!)

  • Voice for the Voiceless seminars
  • Life Advocates in multiple regions of the 10/40 Window.
  • Baby blankets
  • Maternity home for at-risk mothers
  • Counseling
  • Life Voices Coalition – Global network of pro-life leaders

10/40 promotes life and rescues the exploited which leads to church planting among the least reached.

Save Lives and spread the Author of Life to the unreached.

Consider additional projects

Educate the Vulnerable.

Save Lives.
Jesus = THE LIFE

Offer Clean Water.

Provide Relief.

Reach the World by Media.

Develop Leaders.

Print your honor cards here…

If you have questions about 10/40’s Joy to the World initiative, please feel free to contact us.

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2120 Northgate Park Lane, #400
Chattanooga, TN 37415
10/40 Connections is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.