Unreached People Group & Movement Research

joshuaWorld Christian Statistics
World Christian Encyclopedia
Status of Global Mission
Movement Resources
Frontier Ventures
Joshua Project
Finishing the Task

Prayer Links

Global Day of Prayer
Operation World
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Global Prayer Resource Network

Persecuted Church

vomVoice of the Martyrs
World Watch Monitor
Open Doors
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Justice Issues

Freedom Collaborative
U.S. Government Monitoring and Combating
Millennium Development Goals – U.N.
Polaris Project and Human Trafficking

World Religions

• Understanding Islam
From a Muslim View
From a Christian View

• Understanding Hinduism
From a Hindu View
From a Christian View

• Understanding Atheistic Communism
From a “Neutral Descriptive” View
From a Christian View

• Understanding Buddhism
From a Buddhist View
From a Christian View

Beliefnet – Multi-religious site
Articles on Apologetics, Logic, and Science

International Travel

world healthMaps of Any Country
Travel Documents
World Health Organization
U.S. State Department
Lonely Planet Travel Guides
Languages on the Web
Center for Disease Control

Recommended Reading

Books (to purchase book, click on title)
Answering Islam – Norman Geisler and Abdul Saleeb
Any-3: Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime – Mike Shipman
From Megachurch to Multiplication – Chris Galanos
Jesus in Beijing – David Aikman
Key to the Missionary Problem – Andrew Murray
Operation China – Paul Hattaway
Operation World, 2012 – Jason Mandryk
get threadedPerspectives on the World Christian Movement – Eds. Ralph Winter and Steve Hawthorne
The Church is Bigger Than You Think – Patrick Johnstone
The Cost of Discipleship – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Gospel in a Pluralist Society – Lesslie Newbigin
The Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America – Ed. Darrell Guder
The Next Christendom – Philip Jenkins
Transforming Mission – David J. Bosch
Transforming Power – Robert Linthicum
When Helping Hurts – Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett
Why Not Women? – Loren Cunningham and David Hamilton

Evangelical Mission Quarterly
Mission Frontiers
Christianity Today

About Us

Jesus said, "Pray the Lord to send out laborers, for the harvest is plentiful, but he workers are few." That is the mission of 10/40 Connections – to follow the example of Jesus by connecting the body of Christ, equipping believers, and engaging the least reached.

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