1040 Window from ppt (1500x880)What is the 10/40 Window? The area of the world between 10 to 40 degrees North latitude marking the boundary of the least evangelized region of earth. This Window comprises three billion people, most with little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus.

What is a People Group? A grouping of people who see themselves belonging to one another because of a shared language, religion, ethnicity, residence, class or customs. Ex: The Baima of China, the Bhujpuri of India, the Kurds of Central Asia.

What is an Unreached / Unaccessed People Group? People groups with few or no believers or a church. Groups having little means of freedom to hear of Jesus in a way they can understand. To evangelize their people, indigenous believers within the unreached group require cross-cultural assistance. (i.e. The Waneci of Pakistan currently have zero believers in 2016. They need help reaching their people.)

What is a Reached People Group? People who have freedom, access, or opportunity to hear about Jesus. Believers and local churches exist among them. Able to evangelize their own people. (i.e. Most of North, Central, and South America, Southern Africa, etc).

What is a World Christian? A believer who thinks, cares, and acts with a world scope. World Christians see themselves as participant of the worldwide Body of Christ, more than simply a member of a denomination.

Why does 10/40 Connections focus on the 10/40 Window? Jesus states clearly that His Gospel must be preached to all ethne (ethne in Greek means people groups). There are still entire regions and ethnic groups with limited to NO access to Jesus. 10/40 Connections believes a concerted effort must be made to move the Gospel to these unreached peoples. For more, read this blog post.

Does 10/40 Connections work in other areas of the world? 10/40 exists to multiply work among the least reached. We are willing to serve churches in accessed countries (USA, South America, Europe, etc.) as long as they desire to mobilize their personnel and resources to impact the least reached. Working among refugee and immigrant populations in local contexts also serves as an incredible opportunity since, “the 10/40 Window is coming to us.” Our focus and conviction can be explained more fully by the Lausanne Covenant, section 9.

What percentage of workers and resources focus on the 10/40 Window? Research by David Barrett in the World Christian Encyclopedia shows that out of $100 placed into the North American offering plate, over $96.00 stays within the North American church. Of the remaining dollars, the majority goes to the accessed world (South America, Europe, etc.). Only a few pennies per $100 goes toward half the world’s population living in the 10/40 Window. Also, out of 100 Christian workers in the U.S., 90% remain in the U.S. while 9% go to the accessed world. Only 1 in 100 works within the 10/40 Window. The American church MUST rethink her vision and strategy so that peoples everywhere have the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

What is a vision trip? A vision trip is simply a trip with the purpose of seeking to gain God’s perspective for that region of the earth. While on vision trips, participants may begin relationships with national believers (where possible), prayer walk in areas of spiritual strongholds, engage in relationship building with non-believers which often leads to sharing the Good News, and see 10/40 Connections work in action. Vision trips are opportunities to hear and see first-hand what God is doing. When God’s perspective is gained, plans can be made and strategic partnerships formed.

What is the benefit of prayer-walking? Satan has a strong grip on the 10/40 Window. It’s the poorest area of the earth, it contains the most diseased people, it suffers the most oppression, and it often sees intense persecution of national believers. Prayer walking in these areas require faith that the Lord is hearing one’s prayers and cares for those who live in such darkness.

Intense prayer for those in the Window softens the heart of the pray-er and tunes their ears to God’s prompting. Intercession also weakens evil spiritual forces and opens people’s hearts to receive the Gospel. Prayer-walking often results in growing compassion and commitment to action even after the pray-er returns home.

If our church goes on a vision trip, will we only prayer walk? No. A significant amount of time will be devoted to prayer because it is through prayer that we gain God’s vision for people. However, teams will also participate in many other activities and ministry opportunities.

Who will our church meet in the 10/40 Window? The connection will depend on the local church AND the international field. 10/40 Connections will enable your church to see the partnerships we have forged for strategic and effective ministries in the 10/40 Window.

Why must a staff member travel on the vision trip with their church? When the leadership of the church grasps God’s vision for the 10/40 Window, the entire church can more easily move toward a passion for the unreached. Though it has occurred, promoting God’s vision from only a grassroots level is a tough, uphill battle.

Will working in the 10/40 Window limit our church from reaching people in our local community? Absolutely not! Actually, the exact opposite occurs. As a church begins to care for the most unreached, they grow in their love for lost people nearby as well.

Does 10/40 offer trips for entire families? At times but not often. If this interests you, we can give some specific locations and ideas for ministry so that a whole family can participate. Again, these opportunities are rare because the fields where we work are so difficult and very hot in the summer when most families can travel.

Should our church focus on one region or more? There are two general approaches to international ministry: “The Shotgun” or “The Rifle.” The Shotgun scatters resources and energy to a variety of areas. The Rifle focuses the energy and efforts into a limited number of areas. There are pros and cons to each method, but we prefer and recommend The Rifle. Prayers, resources, and time are then invested with strategy and purpose.

10/40 CONNECTIONS seems to “do missions” in a different way than most missionaries and agencies. Why? As we follow God’s lead, we are attempting to shift thinking and action. Much tradition and church history have clouded the true biblical meaning of God’s mission in the Church. God desires for His entire Church to be involved in His mission. Mission should be the heart of the church, not the arm! The Great Commission is not for just a few “weird” people or simply the original disciples. The Great Commission is each believer’s responsibility!

10/40’s NEXUS initiative sounds different than traditional approaches to mission. Why? It is! The Church is to SEND missionaries, and missionaries are to love and SERVE the Church. We believe missionaries should remain connected to their sending churches. This approach is biblical. Paul went to the unreached, but stayed vitally connected to his sending churches (check out Philippians!) We desire to not only serve the unreached but also the American church. We strive for relationship and true biblical partnership.

When missionaries remain vitally connected to their sending churches and invest in serving the sending church to some extent, fruit is increased in the unreached region. Increased fruit occurs because more people are involved in the partnership which increases prayer support, emotional support and resources of both people and finances.

The world is changing and Christians should lead the way. The day is gone where the U.S. missionary steps onto a barge (or airplane), stays in one location for decades with limited or no contact to their home base, and only returns home every so often. Relationship is vital in the Kingdom of God, and we must be willing to change the way God’s mission is done if we want to speed the completion of the Great Commission.

About Us

Jesus said, "Pray the Lord to send out laborers, for the harvest is plentiful, but he workers are few." That is the mission of 10/40 Connections – to follow the example of Jesus by connecting the body of Christ, equipping believers, and engaging the least reached.

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