Giving Stock or Property

To donate to 10/40 through stocks or mutual funds:

Donating securities that have appreciated in value can be an extremely tax-effective way of giving.  In most cases, you will be able to take the full market value of the securities on the date they are transferred as an itemized deduction, without incurring any tax on the gain represented by the difference between your cost and the current market value.

Simple directions…have your broker contact:

Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.
FBO (for the benefit of): 10/40 Connections, Inc.
Account number: 52552414
DTC routing number: 0164 code 40

Download the full instructions for easy reference.

For other questions about giving to 10/40 Connections:
Please read the FAQ – Give, email , or call 423-531-1040.

About Us

10/40 Connections enables people from least reached areas of the world to hear of Christ by empowering believers to engage through both the spoken word and tangible service, who then become catalysts for Christ in their own communities.

VFV Testimonies

3 VFV Nepali Testimonies

NEPALI TESTIMONIES from Chad Segraves on Vimeo.

Recent Items

Slum Revitalization Changes Lives


Home for At-Risk Mother Under Construction in Nepal


How Young Girls in India Rise from Poverty to Potential


10/40 Blog: “Co-workers” in Chinese House Churches


What is the Biblical Worldview?

What Is the Biblical Worldview? Every thinking human will inevitably grapple with five key concepts: origin, identity, meaning, morality, and destiny.   The other day I came across this quote by Francis A. Schaeffer in The God Who Is There. “Regardless of a man’s...

Four Key Questions of Worldview

The Four Key Questions of Worldview My frustrated daughter came home from school the other day and told me about how some students cheat on homework and tests. During the lively conversation, she shared, “I can’t even imagine cheating. I mean, first, I know God would...

What’s Your View?

What’s Your View? Is there only ONE right way to view the world?Every year I try to think of a word that I want to study and reflect upon for the year. Some years, the word comes easily – it just floats into my mind with a simple prayer. Other years, I wrestle with...

Mountains to Move: Slander and Accusation

Broken relationships between men and women exist in every society throughout the world. But Jesus, through His crucifixion and resurrection, can redeem and restore these relationships. Relationships between men and women shattered in Genesis 3 at the Fall. Thus, this...
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†  If you desire to donate by check, it can be mailed to:

10/40 Connections
2120 Northgate Park Lane, #400
Chattanooga, TN 37415
10/40 Connections is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.