Planting Deeply

Ummeed means “Deep Hope.” Ummeed is a 10/40 Grassroots Church Planting Initiative that focuses on equipping women as church planters in South Asia. Since 2007, more than 4,000 women have been equipped as Ummeed church planters. These women have started many thousands of verified house churches among 50+ unreached people groups.

Though oppressed by society, God is calling, anointing, and empowering women to plant churches in some of the most resistant areas of South Asia. Most of the initial churches planted have multiplied to the great-granddaughter generation (4th gen.). In this move of God, the Holy Spirit is working well through women. We are excited to join Him there!

faq 5In case you wonder, the churches these women plant are not dry or boring – anything but that! These churches exemplify what we read in the book of Acts. God is using the planters to feed the hungry, strengthen families, heal sickness, cast out demons, counsel the brokenhearted, live godly lives, and perform miracles. These signs along with solid teaching and commitment to Scripture are growing the church in many areas.

One church planter testified, “Before I came to this training, I wanted to kill myself. I had no purpose and no reason to live. But then I learned here that God loves and values women. Not only did God love me, but he wanted to use me to bless my culture! I realized Jesus provided me hope and I wanted to share it with others. Now I have planted 7 churches. I hope to plant 4 more before the end of this year.”

The God of hope transforms oppressed women into powerful leaders in their society.

Learn More or Donate

If you or you group would like to know more about Ummeed, please contact us.

If you want to support financially the equipping of female church planters, you may designate here.

About Us

Jesus said, "Pray the Lord to send out laborers, for the harvest is plentiful, but he workers are few." That is the mission of 10/40 Connections – to follow the example of Jesus by connecting the body of Christ, equipping believers, and engaging the least reached.

VFV Testimonies

Nepali Testimonies on Vimeo.

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