Open Your Eyes

open-your-eyesYou know the story in John 4. Jesus engages in a wonderful dialogue at a drinking well with a Samaritan woman. His disciples return and find him talking to the woman who then leaves her water jar and hurries to her town proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.

Meanwhile the disciples focus on eating, unaware that Jesus has just revealed his Messiah-ship and engaged in a powerful evangelistic encounter. Jesus then says, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest!” (Were the townspeople walking out toward them at that exact moment? Harvest time!)

In Greek the phrase “lift up your eyes” has a fun, double-meaning. First it can mean, “Good morning, sleepyhead! Wake up!” Or it can mean, “Raise your head and get a bigger vision. Look up! Look outward! Don’t just stare at the dirt.”

Don’t we all need to hear that message sometimes? If you desire to awaken from apathy, if you want to gain a God-sized vision, then allow Jesus to open your eyes.

Today the harvest is still “white” – ready, ripe, and almost ruined if not gathered ASAP! We believe that Jesus continues calling out to his Church, “Hey, open your eyes!” So, are you up for it?

The 10/40 Challenge

Open Your Eyes 2 page_Page_210/40. This number is important for many reasons.

1. Commit to complete this eye-popping, “Open Your Eyes” resource in 10 minutes a day for 40 days. Ask God to help you see the world as he does.
2. We desire to mobilize 1,040 Americans and 1,040 Asians to make this commitment in 2014. It is time we finish the task of the Great Commission! But we can’t finish it well, if we don’t OPEN OUR EYES!
3. Become a 10/40 Champion. Mobilize your friends to join you in the challenge. If you recruit 10 people to join in the 10/40 Challenge, you will be a 10/40 Champion.
4. The 10/40 Window…you will hear a lot about it in the coming pages. What challenge might God bring to your heart and mind regarding the least reached people groups?


About Us

Jesus said, "Pray the Lord to send out laborers, for the harvest is plentiful, but he workers are few." That is the mission of 10/40 Connections – to follow the example of Jesus by connecting the body of Christ, equipping believers, and engaging the least reached.

VFV Testimonies

Nepali Testimonies on Vimeo.

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2120 Northgate Park Lane, #400
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10/40 Connections is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.