Excellent Book – Hard to Practice

Bonhoeffer picWhile running an underground seminary during the rise of the Nazi regime, the German theologian and pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote the book Life Together. In this classic, Bonhoeffer addresses what it means for the Christian to struggle, worship, live in community, and reach out to others. How can a person live an minister in a persecuted context?

Life Together teams engage in intense, life-on-life ministry and mentoring during the summer months as they impact the last, the least, and the forgotten of the 10/40 Window. 

Previous teams have served the marginalized in India, crossed cultural barriers on Chinese college campuses, trekked through the Himalayas of Nepal, and lived in anti-trafficking recovery homes.

Life Together trips usually run 4-8 weeks in the heat of summer, and they are not for the faint-of-heart. We are not offering any Life Together teams in 2016 due to restructuring, but will resume Life Together in 2017. Check back later to find out new dates or join our mailing list and we will notify you.

Life Together Team Comments

Heart for the Unreached

“Life Together helped give me a passion and love for the 10/40 Window. God is aching for people all over the world to turn to Him. I feel like to a small degree, I understand more the ache.” – Amanda

Death and Destitute Homes

“In the Death and Destitute Homes I learned that Jesus was willing to get dirty so that people could know who He was. In the consistency of revisiting a place of ministry, it gave me the opportunity to experience more fully the humility it requires to serve and the resistance that’s naturally within me towards that service. This reflection pulled me to the feet of Jesus and overwhelmed me with the intimacy and self-denial of His earthly ministry.” – Jamie

Overall Experience

“From the Life Together experience, I am taking the lessons of community, the challenges of contextualization and sensitivity, hope in India as well as the Church, resolve to work in the 10/40 Window, renewed passion for Jesus and discovering who He is, and a new understanding of my purpose as a woman of God. Thank you.” – Jeanne

“The whole kingdom theology is rocking my world. The word and deed realization that goes with this was huge for me…. The idea of contextualizing the Gospel will always stick with me…. [I would encourage someone else to do Life Together] only if they went into it expecting and hoping for life change.” – Rob

Red Light Districts

“In the Red Light Districts, there is no hope or faith, and the women are very hard. The Lord showed me that by my many tears and sorrow, I am having faith and hope for them. The women have no concept of hope for the future, so we have to hope for them. I feel that I am mourning the loss of these women’s lives, and I am asking Jesus to raise them from the dead. It was such a privilege to speak truth into the lives of the women in India where they are not valued at all – to tell them how much Jesus loves them and values them.” – Jency


Everybody has unique gifts and talents that are God-given, and therefore, essential to building up His Kingdom. Christ’s intimacy with each of us allows a group of teachable strangers to come together, with only Jesus as their common ground, to fight as a team with the power of the Holy Spirit against the darkness that binds so many. Community requires sacrifice, thinking of others before yourself, vulnerability and openness.” – Kristen

About Us

Jesus said, "Pray the Lord to send out laborers, for the harvest is plentiful, but he workers are few." That is the mission of 10/40 Connections – to follow the example of Jesus by connecting the body of Christ, equipping believers, and engaging the least reached.

VFV Testimonies

Nepali Testimonies on Vimeo.

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